Vin Decode
OE Search
Engine NO.
Vehicle Number
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17VIN focuses on VIN decoding for 10 years is a professional platform for VIN decoding and auto parts inquiry.
17VIN has been focusing on VIN decoding since 2015.
Based on our high technology, car parts can be accurately matched by VIN.
17vin innovatively combines the traditional VIN decoding solutions with original EPC data, improving the VIN decoding results to a higher level.

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VIN decoding FAQ


What vehicle information can we know by VIN?

From VIN, we can know the key information of the vehicle, including brand, model, engine specifications, production year, vehicle configuration etc. And for some brands we can also provide detailed information such as production date, body color, and configuration options selected when purchasing the car.

Can I convert the VIN results into Excel?

Of course you can! We provide personalized data customization services. Just send us the VIN list, and we will provide the specific information according to your needs and organize them into various format, such as Excel, MySQL, Access, etc.

How accurate is the data of VIN decoding?

In the entire VIN decoding industry, service providers including 17VIN usually can only return the vehicle series level result. But for some specific brands such as Mercedes Benz and BMW, 17VIN can provide original model configuration information. This an effective solution for higher accuracy requirements users such as second-hand car dealer etc. to confirm the vehicle information.

Auto parts matching system FAQ


How to activate the parts matching system?

To access the auto parts matching system, you can simply register with your mobile phone number at After registration and login, you can click the ‘Auto parts matching system’ link at the top of the home page to enter the system. The system provides a basic category, and you can contact customer service to obtain advanced adaptation functions for free according to your specific needs.

What are the significant features of the 17VIN auto parts matching system ?

Our system has three main advantages:
1.Easy to use:Our system supports importing and exporting data through Excel, and it can be easier to match the data.
2.Flexible:The adaptation results can be easily converted to other third-party model list.
3.Accurate:For some specific categories such as brake pads, we provide more accurate analysis, and can accurately locking the unique accessory for the selected vehicle。

What are the main uses of well-matched product data?

After parts matching:
1.Open an inquiry system:We will open an exclusive accessory catalog query system for you, such as
2.Connect to your internal systems:By calling the 17vin API, you can integrate the adaptation data into your company's internal query system.
3.Interfacing with third-party systems:If you want to use a third-party system, we will assist you in completing the conversion of parts data.

Auto parts data API FAQ


How to activate the API?

The account obtained by self-registration on the official website of does not have access to the API, and it can only be used for website queries. You need to contact customer service to manually activate the API function, and a certain amount of fees will be gifted to your account for testing.

What functions can these APIs achieve?

A is implemented by calling the related APIs covered by, except a few specific features such as the user system etc. It means that you can now easily integrate these functions into your system by calling APIs.

How is the API charged?

Roughly charged rules:
1.Charge by times:We only charge for positive results.
2.Duplicate queries:we don't charge for duplicate queries within 3 months.
3.API price:Please contact customer service for details.
Recent Queries is a Professional platform for VIN decoding and parts searching, and we provide automotive aftermarket data service, including VIN decoding, parts serching by VIN, parts serchingby model list, OE searching etc.
Copyright © Hangzhou Jingshi Information Technology Co., Ltd